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Aug 4, 2014
Jo-Anne Wood - Matric Farewell
On the 27th of November 2012 we had the pleasure of photographing Jo-Anne for her Matric Farwell. This was our last Matric Farwell shoot...

Jul 26, 2014
Andrew and Shannons Engagement Party
Well, this is an interesting one... A fellow photographer named Shannon (Shay King Photography) contacted us to second shoot with her at...

Jul 25, 2014
Making the Impossible, Possible (strobist tip)
If you reading this you probably a strobist, you love your flash and your lighting. So why is this technique something you should try...

Jul 20, 2014
Ashlee Bint's Matric Farewell
When we first got a message from Ashlee asking if we were available for the 18th of August 2012, we were surprised we did, as we were...

Jul 16, 2014
Kayla Oosthuizen - Model Shoot
Glamour shoots are always fun, they very relaxed and this way we manage to get models expressions as natural as possible. Shooting Kayla...

Jul 10, 2014
Jeantelle and Delyns Wedding
If you have seen this awesome couples engagement shoot you would know there are pretty photos and moments on their way. Jeantelle and...

Jul 8, 2014
Nikon SB910/SB900 Review
I'm sure this is a very debatable topic, I personally have read negative posts about the SB900 and its over heating problem. If you have...

Jul 5, 2014
Model Shoot Out
One thing we always strive for is unique and different Facebook competitions, no we dont do the "LIKE" this photo thing. So 2013 saw our...

Jul 2, 2014
Melissa Maloney - Model Shoot
WOW! Where to start. Melissa booked her shoot with us about a month in advance, she was so super excited, but nervous at the same time as...
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